Feminist In Progress, how to apprehend Feminism
The main goal of this site is to help you apprehend Feminism. To make it really complete, we had to introduce Lauraine Meyer's book Feminist in progress. This book has more or less the same objective as this site. Let's talk about it.
General presentation of the book
Feminist In Progress is a book, illustrated and written by French artist Lauraine Meyer and published in December 2020. The book promises to make the reader open his eyes to sexism, without burning his bra. The book is composed of 10 parts, which are themselves composed of sub-parts. It relates all the important points to better understand Feminism. We can for example find a part on sexism, one on gender or one on sexuality. All these parts are accompanied by illustrations made by the author. The themes are approached with quotations of clichés or sayings of people who are often sexist, like Pat Robertson for example.
Approaching Feminism thanks to its clichés
Lauraine Meyer's book goes over the major points of Feminism to introduce the reader to the movement. Feminist In Progress always begins its sections with a quote that is either a cliché of Feminism or an actual quote often from people who are against the movement. This is the case with Pat Robertson as we have said. The way the points are made is interesting.
Indeed, the book takes the place of a person who would have no notion of feminism and who would know it only through its clichés. In the end, it includes more the reader in the movement since the author deconstructs Feminism to better explain it !
The approach is interesting. Indeed, she is more likely to teach things to the readers since she reassures them by sweeping away the clichés. This idea is expressed in the tagline of the book, "Open your eyes to sexism, without burning your bra !" so apprehend feminism without entering into clichés.
A tool to apprehend Feminism
Feminist In Progress is a book that lists and explains the main points of the feminist movement. Finally, it is a perfect tool to understand Feminism when you are not a feminist. If you are interested in Feminism, you should read Lauraine Meyer's book.
The book gives all the keys to better understand the movement without entering into the clichés that are often associated with it. Moreover, there is a whole section on the body which raises important issues which question the relationship between the self and the body, such as the section on hairs. This relationship is often unclear for us young people who are susceptible to be interested in Feminism. Of course, the part about the body is not the only one that is interesting to read, the whole book allows the reader to situate ourselves in relation to the movement in order to understand it and to adhere to it.
It is highly recommended to read Feminist In Progress ! It's a beautiful book, well illustrated with Lauraine Meyer's "colorful, funny and uncomplicated" style. The book is very light and easy to read, it will suit the novice reader as well as the advanced one, the neophyte of Feminism or the confirmed activist.Either it will serve you as a guide to better understand Feminism or it will serve you as a good read on your favorite movement. Have a good read !
A History of Feminism
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