A Propos

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The Project

Mots sur le Féminisme is a project realized in an pedagogical context. The initial goal of this site is to initiate you to Feminism thanks to the information it transmits.If you are already familiar with feminism, the site has been made to suit you as well by bringing up subjects that are not often covered by the media. If you navigate through the articles and other pages of the site, you should have assimilated tools that will help you apprehend the feminist movement.


I introduce myself I am Loup Lobato, the person who created Mots sur le Féminisme. I'm a first year student in the MMI department of Montbéliard. Usually I don't make websites even if it will happen more and more often. Usually I do photography and video, which is what I hope to do after my studies. I hope you'll like this site which has already taken me a lot of work at the time I'm writing this text. Have a nice surfing!


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Une histoire du féminisme

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Passée et moderne, deux figures du Féminisme chinois

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Feminist In progress, comment appréhender le Féminisme

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